I need to get writing again. My husband tells me that in his Creative Writing course, he is encouraged to write about anything for 10 minutes, each day. This apparently helps get the juices going!! Well, I will have to try it.
Today is a cloudy day in Chesham, although it is dry. I am looking out of my window onto green fields. The wonderful thing about my view is that I can see so many trees. I forget that Great Britain is very green, and not as built up as people would have us think. However, that doesn't mean that we can continue to build over our green spaces. There is a dog running across the fields, and behind it, at a much gentler pace, the it's walker enters the field. Thank goodness I don't have a dog. I would hate to have to walk it every day, in any weather. My husband would think this a strange comment: I go down the allotment every day, in any weather, so what's the difference? To me, the allotment is more satisfying. This week alone, I have made over 10lbs of blackberry jam from berries that I picked myself from the fruit trees. I have blanched and frozen pounds of runner and french beans, and there are more to pick. I must have dug up over 100lbs of potatoes and now I am having trouble finding places to store them. Surely, this is so much better than walking a dog?!! Dog Lovers, please do not be offended. What would the world be like if we all liked the same thing?
I have been looking around the blogs to find all those people who have expressed that they work in communications or media. There are over 97,000 of us. I started to search through the list of us all but gave up after having worked through about 100 names. What amazed me, but shouldn't have, was where everybody lived. I wondered at how small the world now seemed. We can now contact anyone around the world within seconds, read about their lives and strike up relationships if we want to. Gone are the days when the Internet was just a place to find out information. Now it is the biggest "news" medium ever and it can make or break reputations, whether they be people, product or company. What an area to monitor for those in the evaluation business of media services.