Wow - what a day. Started driving at 5.30am and parked at 7.10am. Had to wait in the cold for the gates to open at 7.30am and then wandered in to our seated area and "set up camp". It was freezing but the clouds parted just as the flying started at 10am and we had blue sky all the way.
They call this the best Airshow in the world. I am sure that the Americans would disagree but no-one could doubt that the best of the best had turned up. There were trainer planes, World War II planes, Helicopters, and modern day airpower from F16 to F18 to Mig 29. And an Osprey flew in. Is it a plane? Is it a helicopter? You can call it what you like. It was pretty impressive.
What was the best display? It would be unfair to compare them but I was very impressed with the F18 and the Mig 29. Those pilots threw those birds around.
This really was an exceptional day and I wouldn't have missed it for the world.
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